Dear future nurses,

On our life’s journey, we will all find ourselves standing at a crossroads which will significantly impact the rest of our lives. My dear graduates, you are currently standing in this position! For those of you who have not passed your NCLEX exam and are eagerly awaiting to become a Licensed Practical Nurse, we have a special program designed for you! DO NOT GIVE UP on your dream of becoming a Nurse! You have invested your blood, sweat, and tears in the pursuit of becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse.

You are almost there. Believe in yourself! When you feel like quitting, remember why you started. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday;” choose to invest in yourself today so that you can have a better tomorrow! It is in this vein, that we are proud to announce FAN’s NCLEX Success Coaching Program, which is designed specifically for students who are preparing to challenge the NCLEX exam next year. Students are highly encouraged to join this program. We are currently phasing out the Practical Nursing Program which signals limited or possibly no future opportunities to enroll in FAN’S NCLEX Success Coaching Program. Register ASAP by following the instructions located at the end of this email!

We are pleased to announce that ATI Testing has partnered with FAN. Students will have access to ATI’s extensive resources including a virtual ATI coach; an experienced nurse educator who will work with students individually to achieve success. Students will also have access to the Board Vitals NCLEX quiz bank in addition to a 3-day live NCLEX review session with an ATI instructor at Florida Academy of Nursing. In this program, you will be coached by a team of NCLEX experts inclusive of your wonderfully supportive NCLEX Champions. We have all been blessed with unique gifts and abilities. Trust that you have everything you need to move forward with confidence.

Best, FAN Leadership Team



Q. What is FAN’s NCLEX Success Coaching Program?

A. To optimize your chances of NCLEX success, FAN recommends that each student attend coaching sessions which will be led by an esteemed FAN Faculty member and an external coach on an ongoing basis.

Q. What is the cost for the NCLEX Success Coaching Program?

A. The cost for the program is $1,600.  The NCLEX Success Coaching Program cost is non-refundable.


PROGRAM DETAILS: AM & PM Coaching Dates: December 28th, 2022, through April 13th, 2023 AM & PM Coaching Instructors: Ms. Dolores Fishbein & Ms. Katia Foust

Here are the program rules:

  • Students must attend a minimum of 85% or more of total scheduled sessions.

  • Students must aim to test and pass the NCLEX exam on or before March 31st, 2023


  • 1x Per Week from December 28th through April 13th

  • AM sessions will be held from 9 am to 1 pm.

  • PM sessions will be held from 6 pm to 10 pm.

  • 22 total coaching sessions

  • Sessions will be held online as well as in person.

*Registration starts on 12/9/22 and ends on 1/5/23.



AM & PM Schedule:

  1. Wednesday, December 28th Virtual Meeting- Orientation, FAN Assessment #1

  2. Thursday December 29th Virtual Meeting – FAN Assessment #2

  3. Thursday, January 5th Deadline to Enroll & purchase ATI Testing Program

  4. Tuesday, January 10th Live Review Day 1 -On Campus – Daytime hours (Tentative dates)

  5. Wednesday, January 11th Live Review Day 2 -On Campus – Daytime hours (Tentative dates)

  6. Thursday, January 12th Live Review Day 3 -On Campus- Daytime hours (Tentative dates)

  7. Thursday, January 19th Virtual Meeting

  8. Thursday, January 26th Virtual Meeting

  9. Thursday, February 2nd Virtual Meeting

  10. Wednesday, February 8th HESI Test - Week 1 *Only for students who have NOT passed the HESI

  11. Thursday, February 16th Virtual Meeting

  12. Thursday, February 23rd Virtual Meeting

  13. Thursday, March 2nd Virtual Meeting

  14. Thursday, March 9th Assessment # 1 – (On Campus)

  15. Monday, March 13th HESI Test – Week 2 *Only for students who have NOT passed the HESI

  16. Thursday, March 16th Virtual Meeting

  17. Thursday, March 23rd Assessment #. 2 – (On Campus)

  18. Monday, March 27th HESI Test - Week 3 *Only for students who have NOT passed the HESI

  19. Thursday, March 30th Virtual Meeting

  20. Wednesday, April 5th Assessment #. 3 - (On Campus)

  21. Monday, April 10th HESI Test - Week 4 *Only for students who have NOT passed the HESI

  22. Thursday, April 13th Virtual Meeting


Payment Options


Payment options are listed below:

1. Students will have the option to pay the $1,600 in full prior to the start of class

OR 2. Students can enter a payment plan: $800 due by first day of class – (Enrollment deadline is Thursday, January 5th, 2023). The remaining balance of $800 is to be paid by Monday, February 6th, 2023.



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