FAN’S PAC Meeting Information
Information you will need to access the virtual meeting environment.
Information you will need to access the virtual meeting environment.
Your username is the first initial of your first name + your full last name in lowercase format with no spaces, for example: (John Doe = jdoe).
Your password will be sent out via email by the PAC Meeting host, please check your current email for the PAC meeting password key.
Please navigate to the following URL: or go to and click on the “ MYFAN Portal” on the top section screen.
If this is your initial login entry into the myFAN LMS, please accept all terms (Moodle Cookie and Moodle Privacy Policy information)
you will be directed to the LMS dashboard portal. find the “Course Overview” panel in the center of the screen, or find the “Navigation” scroll to find the “My Courses” section on the right side of the screen.
Click on the “PAC100 | PAC Meeting” to enter the virtual meeting room, scroll down to the “Live Meetings and Recordings” section and find the “Live Meeting” to enter.
Click “Join Now” and you will enter the virtual meeting, Make sure to join using your microphone so you can participate with the audio feed. Click on the 3rd icon on the bottom section of the screen to open your webcam.